Sat, Oct 3, 2020
A quick post on how to switch your own toys to encourage independent playing for those with motor difficulties
Fri, Jul 31, 2020
Spinning helps children to figure out their balance and their centre. As an activity, it uses both sides of the brain, therefore helping to use two sides of the body. Incredible really!
Fri, Jul 17, 2020
Having a child with a brain injury means that you are forever researching new ways to unlock potential and learn new things. Some are tried and tested and recommended by professionals, whereas others are more experimental and more recommended anecdotally rather than by research studies. Or those research studies haven’t been done yet.
Thu, Jun 11, 2020
We needed a therapy bench as we do a lot of floor work with Evelina and we needed something sturdy to use for high kneeling and supported playing but I was reluctant to spend £250+ on a therapy bench, so made my own.
Wed, May 27, 2020
Evelina has CVI (cortical visual impairment or cerebral visual impairment, depending on who you talk to) which is the most common cause of permanent visual impairment in children. It means that her eyes are perfectly formed but she has damage to the visual centers of the brain, which interferes with communication between the brain and the eyes.